You may have known of it as MTSS Fest in the past; this year’s conference will be an MTSS integrated systems conference, as systems continue to get aligned and integrated.  By integrating our efforts, we increase the efficiency and effectiveness of our resources to better support staff and students. We’re excited to continue learning together about how we can ensure our systems work for EACH and EVERY student from preschool through graduation.

View conference resources here.


  • Keynote Speakers:  Phil Strain and Alex Lee
  • General Breakout Sessions
  • Themed Breakout Sessions


August 4, 2022:  8:30 a.m.– 11:30 a.m.
August 5, 2022:  8:30 a.m.– 11:30 a.m.


Alex Lee is the self-proclaimed ‘coolest guy other than Cristiano Ronaldo to walk the earth,’ despite being just an eighth grader at Upper Merion Middle School. His boisterous sense of confidence and fancy title come from the effects of being 100 percent included at school since preschool. Since coming to middle school, he has received honor roll every single marking period, given keynote speeches every few months or so, and has just been having an awesome time trying to teach the world about the importance of full inclusion in middle school. At age 14, he already has an impressive resume that includes modeling for Toys R Us, doing a TV appearance on a Sprout show, singing opera in Italian on various stages, and speaking at the UN Headquarters in NYC. Isabelle Lee, Alex’s part time assistant and part time sister, is able to tag along for the ride thanks to her brother who continuously provides the most entertaining stories along with the most profound messages. She has been having quite a time getting invited to do keynote speeches at various educational conferences to retell her family’s story and crack some jokes. She has been advocating for inclusion for all students since she was four years old and doing keynote speeches since she was eleven years old. This young, naturally gifted public speaker has been having lots of fun in the past six years making audiences all over the country laugh and cry with her talks.  


Dr. Phil S. Strain is James C. Kennedy Endowed Chair in Urban Education at the Morgridge College of Education and Director of the PELE Center, University of Denver. He is the author of over 300 scientific publications, has served on the editorial boards of 22 professional journals and has been Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator of grants and contracts totaling over 80 million dollars. He is particularly interested in expanding inclusive preschool options, comprehensive services for young children with autism and prevention and intervention for children with challenging behaviors.


AUGUST 4, 2022
8:30–8:35 a.m.: Welcome
8:35–9:50 a.m.: Keynote:  Alex Lee and Family
10:00–11:00 a.m.: Sessions

Session Title   Including SWD in MTSS Progress Monitoring  Implementation Teams Student Leadership  Full Inclusion Examplar   Mapping Instruction and Interventions Across Tiers  Pyramid Model
Lead Presenter  Kat Pfannenstiel  RJ Monton  Jessica Swain-Bradway  Cassie Martin  Bill Rasplica  Ryan Guzman

11:00–11:30 a.m.:

Q/A Presenter   Solina Journey/Debbie Limon  RJ Monton/Larry Kinread  Kelly Bolson/Tammy Woodard  Abby Trimble/Tori Hazelton  Brandon Riddle/Stephanie Detrick Stephanie Andler/Sandy Gessner 

AUGUST 5, 2022
8:30–8:35 a.m.: Welcome
8:35–9:35 a.m.: Keynote: Phil Strain
9:45–10:45 a.m.: Session

 Session Title  Data for Equity  Leadership in MTSS  Engaging community members for MH Supports Hexagon Tool   Intro to DBI  Reading in MTSS, connecting dyslexia leg and MTSS
 Lead Presenter  Jessica Swain-Bradway  Bill Rasplica  Kelcey Schmitz  Sophia Farmer  Jason Harlacher  Rebecca Estock

10:50–11:30 a.m.:
Regional Team Time

Regional Team  ESD 101  ESD 105  ESD 112/113  ESD 114  ESD 121  ESD 123  ESD 171 ESD 189 
 Facilitator  Stephanie Detrick  Brandon Riddle  Tammy Woordard  Sandy Gessner  Tori Hazelton  Kelly Bolson  Stephanie Andler  Abby Trimble



Up to 6.0 Washington State Approved Clock Hours are available (dependent on your participation in individual sessions) and are included in registration.

This event will be recorded. 



Please contact Lisa Gehman at lgehman@wasa-oly.org with registration questions and for Zoom assistance.

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